Excel Tools

Microsoft Excel ToolsAdd-in xl DuplikatManagerAdd-in xl PairCompareAdd-in XL exportAdd-in ELPHIN ToolboxGaloppSimAdd-in AddIn-ManAdd-in Add-in Code CounterAdd-in ONE CELL MODE

Microsoft Excel Tools

All tools are developed and maintained with private effort and provided for free download. I would be very happy about a small donation to this foundation for sick children in the region of Heilbronn/Germany. Read more on the website of the foundation.

Add-in xl DuplikatManager

Download xl Duplikat-Manager

Open source tool for finding, deleting and exporting duplicates in an Excel worksheet with lots of extra features.

File namexlDuplikatManager_v2.0
Excel versions2010 or later (Windows)
GUI languagesGerman, English
Where is the add-in after activation?"Data" tab, next to the "Data tools" group
File size538 KB
Lines of code (total)3425
Source lines of code2166
Comment lines of code574
Blank lines685

Source code
The source code is published on GitHub and can also be opened in the VBA editor as there is no password protection.

The tool is shipped as an add-in for Microsoft Excel (.xlam). After installation and activation the tool´s icon is added on the “Data” tab next to the “Data tools” group.

Automatic installation (recommended for Windows)
xl DuplikatManager (1986 downloads )

Manual installation
xl DuplikatManager (2493 downloads )

– Selection of multiple ranges on the worksheet while holding down the Ctrl key
– Two search modes: consider each selected area separately or merge non-contiguous columns
– Ignore upper/lower-case letters and/or blanks for the search if needed
– Coloured highlighting of duplicates, unique values or all different values
– Output duplicates, unique values or all different values ​​on a new worksheet (optionally the entire rows)
– Different deletion modes: only duplicates, complete lines, with and without compression (also in combination)
– Restoration of deleted duplicates possible
– Jump to individual duplicates with delete and restore function
– Non-destructive processing (the original content can be restored until a new area is selected or the tool is shut down)
– Permanent display of the number of duplicates, unique values, different values ​​and deleted duplicates
– Integrated quick guide with pictures, tips and examples
– The tool language can be switched between German and English

Add-in xl PairCompare

Open source tool for comparing two selected areas and searching for data record pairs on a worksheet.

File namexlPairCompareV1P1.xlam
Excel versions2010 or later (Windows)
Interface languagesGerman, English
Where is the add-in after activation?"Data" tab, next to the "Data tools" group
File size289 KB
Lines of code (total)3174
Source lines of code2271
Comment lines of code365
Blank lines538

Source code
The source code is published on GitHub and can also be opened in the VBA editor.

The tool is shipped as an add-in for Microsoft Excel (.xlam). After installation and activation the tool´s icon is added on the “Data” tab next to the “Data tools” group.

Automatic installation (recommended for Windows)
xl PairCompare (1646 downloads )

Manual installation
xl PairCompare (9673 downloads )

Trailer (1:32)
Video tutorial: Demonstration of the features (German) (8:05)

– Finding value pairs, i.e. data records that occur in both selected areas
– Highlighting of single values and/or value pairs on the worksheet
– Visualise data record pairs on the worksheet
– Output of detected single values and/or value pairs on the worksheet
– Removing critical characters such as control characters possible
– Ignore lower/upper-case letters and/or spaces possible when comparing
– Quick selection of the areas possible by automatically marking adjacent cells
– GUI can be switched between English and German

Add-in XL export

Open source tool for exporting worksheet content to a text or CSV file with lots of special features.

File nameXL_export_v1-0.xlam
Excel versions2010 or later (Windows)
Interface languagesGerman, English
Where is the add-in after activation?"Data" tab, next to the "Data tools" group
File size180 KB
Lines of code (total)1226
Source lines of code923
Comment lines of code122
Blank lines181

Source code
The source code is published on GitHub and can also be opened in the VBA editor.

The tool is shipped as an add-in for Microsoft Excel (.xlam). After installation and activation the tool´s icon is added on the “Data” tab next to the “Data tools” group.

Automatic installation (recommended for Windows)
XL export (1669 downloads )

Manual installation
XL export (1785 downloads )

– Choice of the area to be exported
– Export as text file, CSV or custom file type
– Free choice of delimiter
– Delimiter at the end of a row can be deleted
– Unnecessary spaces can be deleted
– Control characters can be deleted
– Conversion to upper-case or lower-case letters possible
– Preview of the export file
– Automatically saving the tool settings

Add-in ELPHIN Toolbox

Open source tool that adds an extra ribbon tab which provides extended functions for Microsoft Excel.

The ELPHIN Toolbox is named after the little crofting community of Elphin which can be found in the south west Sutherland area of the Scottish Highlands.

File nameELPHIN_Toolbox.xlam
Excel versions2010 or later (Windows)
Interface languageEnglish, German
Where is the add-in after activation in the AI edition?New menu strip tab "ELPHIN Toolbox"
File size300 KB
Lines of code (total)2911
Source lines of code1958
Comment lines of code480
Blank lines473

Source code
The source code is published on GitHub and can also be opened in the VBA editor as there is no password protection.

The tool is shipped as an add-in for Microsoft Excel (.xlam). After installation and activation the toolbox is inserted into the Excel menu strip as a new tab “ELPHIN Toolbox”.

Automatische Installation (empfohlen für Windows)
ELPHIN Toolbox (1774 downloads )

Manuelle Installation
ELPHIN Toolbox (1766 downloads )

– Convert all letters to upper-case letters (as value or function)
– Convert all letters to lower-case letters (as value or function)
– Capitalize each word (as value or function)
– Remove all spaces at the beginning of a cell (as value)
– Remove all spaces at the end of a cell (as value)
– Remove all spaces at the beginning and the end of the cell (as value)
– Remove multiple spaces (as value or function)
– Check the selected cells for non-breaking spaces
– Replace non-breaking spaces in the selected cells
– Check the selected cells for non-printing control characters
– Remove control characters in the selected cells
– Absolute value of a real number (as value or function)
– Convert the result of a formula or function to a value
– Hide formula result zero (0)
– Remove empty rows or columns
– Memorize row or colum nnumber
– Compare worksheets
– SG DataSet Finder for finding matching data records across different Excel files
– Undo option can be deactivated for performance improvement
– GUI languages: English and German


Open source horse racing simulator for Microsoft Excel in two editions: AI (Add-in) and RS (Run Simple – Excel workbook with macros).

File nameGaloppSim.xlam (AI edition)
GaloppSim.xlsm (RS edition)
Excel versions2010 or later (Windows)
Interface languageEnglish, German
Where is the add-in after activation in the AI edition?New menu strip tab GALOPPSIM
File size3.84 MB (AI edition)
3.77 MB (RS edition)
Lines of code (total)15103
Source lines of code11344
Comment lines of code1528
Blank lines2231

Source code
The source code is published on GitHub and can also be opened in the VBA editor.

The tool is delivered in two editions. The AI edition is an Excel Add-in (.xlam) which, after installation and activation, is inserted into the Excel menu strip as a new tab “GALOPPSIM” and is then available in every Excel instance.
The RS edition is an Excel workbook with macros (.xlsm) which does not need to be installes. All you need to do is open the file and allow running macros (Run Simple).

Run Simple – No installation
GaloppSim - RS edition (529 downloads )

Add-in – Manual installation
GaloppSim - AI edition (534 downloads )

– 32 races to choose including a race on a snow track, a race in the Wadden Sea, a fine dust race, a pig race, a deer race, a camel race in the desert, a vole race, a race in outer space (including alien attacks) and a race with coronavirus tests
– 141 different racing tactics
– Six betting types (Win, Show, 2 sur 4, Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta)
– Graphical elements along the track (tribunes, buildings, trees, food and beverage etc.)
– Advertising on the track
– Race specific options, depending on the race (fine dust slider, sand dust switch, water splash switch, water level and lugworm sliders, mouse hole slider, road crossing, police car, planet selection, alien switch and kidnapping likelikood sliders…)
– Three camera modes including Focused Run (where the camera has one selected horse in focus during the race)
Starting procedure with fixed or random starting box drawing
– Horse can refuse to run
– Hoof prints
– Race Speed Monitor (Speed and Distance mode)
– Momentum display (relative speed of each horse compared to the others) with speed bars or icons
– Race recorder wth replay, save and load buttons
– Race info in a pop-up or on the worksheet
– Photo finish
– Tactics revelation option
– Race speed from normal to 5 times faster
– Seven colour modes including Dark Mode, black-and-white and PopArt
– Voice output possible for some information
– Pixel movie showing the initial idea of the horse racing simulator
– Auto zoom function for perfect fit on all screens
– Various Excel options selectable
– Super Developer Tools including Test Automation and Machine Learning mode for Data Scientists
– GUI languages: English and German

Screenshots (Add-in)

Screenshots (Run Simple)

For a donation to the foundation “Große Hilfe für kleine Helden”, it is possible to place advertisements for certain races, which will then be displayed in all subsequent versions. The editor to create the advertisement and calculate the advertising costs can be downloaded here:

Advertising editor (1582 downloads )

Excluded from the publication are politically incorrect, morally indecent ads etc.

Add-in AddIn-Man

Open source tool for comfortable opening the default folder for Microsoft Office add-ins and launching the Excel add-in manager.

File nameAddIn-Man.xlam
Excel versions2010 or later (Windows)
Interface languageDeutsch
Where is the add-in after activation?"Home" tab, new group "AddIn-Man"
File size68 KB
Lines of code (total)25
Source lines of code10
Comment lines of code12
Blank lines3

Source code
The source code is published on GitHub and can also be opened in the VBA editor.

The tool is shipped as an add-in for Microsoft Excel (.xlam). After installation and activation a new group “AddIn-Man” is added to the “Home” tab.

Automatic installation (recommended for Windows)
AddIn-Man (1886 downloads )

Manual installation
AddIn-Man (1928 downloads )

– Button for opening the default folder for Microsoft Office add-ins in the Windows Explorer
– Button for launching the Excel add-in manager

Add-in Add-in Code Counter

Open source tool for counting the lines of code in Excel Add-ins (.xlam)

File nameAddin-CodeCounter.xlam
Excel versions2010 or later (Windows)
Interface languageEnglish
Where is the add-in after activation?"Developer" tab, new group "Add-in Code Counter"
File size27 KB
Lines of code (total)258
Source lines of code190
Comment lines of code27
Blank lines41

Source code
The source code is published on GitHub and can also be opened in the VBA editor.

The tool is shipped as an add-in for Microsoft Excel (.xlam). After installation and activation a new group “Add-in Code Counter” is added to the “Developer” tab.

Automatic installation (recommended for Windows)
Code Counter (1634 downloads )

Manual installation
Code Counter (1624 downloads )

– Counting lines of code (active source code, comment lines, blank lines, total lines) of a whole VBA project
– Optional: Counting lines of code of each component of the VBA Project individually, such as modules, class modules, user forms and worksheets
– Optional: Writing the results to a plain text file


Completely useless open source tool for merging all cells of an Excel worksheet. Coded on urgent request for a highly esteemed colleague who has the steady desire for merging cells.

File nameONECELL10.xlam
Excel versions2010 or later (Windows)
Interface languageEnglish
Where is the add-in after activation?New tab "Absolute Beginner Add-ins"
File size24 KB
Lines of code (total)13
Source lines of code12
Comment lines of code0
Blank lines1

Source code
The source code is published on GitHub and can also be opened in the VBA editor.

The tool is shipped as an add-in for Microsoft Excel (.xlam). After installation and activation the tool´s icon is added on the new ribbon tab “Absolute Beginner Add-ins”.

Automatic installation (recommended for Windows)
ONE CELL MODE (1584 downloads )

Manual installation
ONE CELL MODE (1592 downloads )

– Merging all cells of an Excel worksheet, so that there will be only one cell left (A1)