ELPHIN Toolbox

Free open source tool that adds an extra ribbon tab which provides extended functions for Microsoft Excel 2010-2019 (Windows optimized)

The ELPHIN Toolbox is named after the little crofting community of Elphin which can be found in the south west Sutherland area of the Scottish Highlands.

File nameELPHIN_Toolbox.xlam
Excel versions2010 or later (Windows)
Interface languageEnglish, German
Where is the add-in after activation in the AI edition?New menu strip tab "ELPHIN Toolbox"
File size300 KB
Lines of code (total)2911
Source lines of code1958
Comment lines of code480
Blank lines473

Source code
The source code is published on GitHub and can also be opened in the VBA editor as there is no password protection.

The tool is shipped as an add-in for Microsoft Excel (.xlam). After installation and activation the toolbox is inserted into the Excel menu strip as a new tab “ELPHIN Toolbox”.

Download Version 2.0 – kostenlos!

Automatische Installation (empfohlen für Windows)
ELPHIN Toolbox (1487 Downloads)

Manuelle Installation
ELPHIN Toolbox (1497 Downloads)

Number of downloads of previous versions: 116

– Convert all letters to upper-case letters (as value or function)
– Convert all letters to lower-case letters (as value or function)
– Capitalize each word (as value or function)
– Remove all spaces at the beginning of a cell (as value)
– Remove all spaces at the end of a cell (as value)
– Remove all spaces at the beginning and the end of the cell (as value)
– Remove multiple spaces (as value or function)
– Check the selected cells for non-breaking spaces
– Replace non-breaking spaces in the selected cells
– Check the selected cells for non-printing control characters
– Remove control characters in the selected cells
– Absolute value of a real number (as value or function)
– Convert the result of a formula or function to a value
– Hide formula result zero (0)
– Remove empty rows or columns
– Memorize row or colum nnumber
– Compare worksheets
– SG DataSet Finder for finding matching data records across different Excel files
– Undo option can be deactivated for performance improvement
– GUI languages: English and German


This add-in is being developed and maintained with private effort and provided for free download. I would be very happy about a small donation to this foundation for sick children in the region of Heilbronn/Germany. Read more on the website of the foundation.

Website der Stiftung

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