
Free open source horse racing simulator for Microsoft Excel

File nameGaloppSim.xlam (AI edition)
GaloppSim.xlsm (RS edition)
Excel versions2010 or later (Windows)
Interface languageEnglish, German
Where is the add-in after activation in the AI edition?New menu strip tab GALOPPSIM
File size3.84 MB (AI edition)
3.77 MB (RS edition)
Lines of code (total)15103
Source lines of code11344
Comment lines of code1528
Blank lines2231

Source code
The source code is published on GitHub and can also be opened in the VBA editor.

The tool is delivered in two editions. The AI edition is an Excel Add-in (.xlam) which, after installation and activation, is inserted into the Excel menu strip as a new tab “GALOPPSIM” and is then available in every Excel instance.
The RS edition is an Excel workbook with macros (.xlsm) which does not need to be installes. All you need to do is open the file and allow running macros (Run Simple).

Download RS version 151.00 – it´s free!

Run Simple – No installation
GaloppSim - RS edition (557 downloads )

Download AI version 151.00 it´s free!

Add-in – Automatic installation (recommended for Windows)
GaloppSim - AI edition (720 downloads )

Add-in – Manual installation
GaloppSim - AI edition (563 downloads )

Number of downloads of previous versions: 927

– 22 races to choose including a race on a snow track, a race in the Wadden Sea, a pig race and a race in outer space (including alien attacks)
– Graphical elements along the track (tribunes, buildings, trees, food and beverage etc.)
– Six betting types (Win, Show, 2 sur 4, Exacta, Trifecta, Superfecta)
– 141 different racing tactics
– Three camera modes including Focused Run (The camera has one selected horse in focus during the race)
– Hoof prints
– Presentation of the horses with odds and favourites before the race
– Photo finish
– Many options to display horse names and colours
– Race info in a pop-up or on the worksheet
– Horse can refuse to run
– Race speed from normal to 5 times faster
– Voice output possible for some information
– Various Excel options selectable
– 7 colour modes including Dark Mode, black-and-white and PopArt
– Tactics revelation
– Momentum display (relative speed of each horse compared to the others)
– Advertising on the track
– Pixel movie showing the initial idea of the horse racing simulator
– Auto zoom function for perfect fit on all screens
– Machine Learning mode for Data Scientists
– GUI languages: English, German and Bulgarian

Screenshots – AI edition

Screenshots – RS edition

For a donation to the foundation “Große Hilfe für kleine Helden”, it is possible to place advertisements for certain races, which will then be displayed in all subsequent versions. The editor to create the advertisement and calculate the advertising costs can be downloaded here:

Advertising editor (1639 downloads )

Excluded from the publication are politically incorrect, morally indecent ads etc.

This add-in is being developed and maintained with private effort and provided for free download. I would be very happy about a small donation to this foundation for sick children in the region of Heilbronn/Germany. Read more on the website of the foundation.

Website der Stiftung

Donate now!

Total donations received (as of July 2020): EUR 1006, including

  • Starting fees at races: 666 EUR
  • Advertising: 290 EUR
  • Auctions: 50 EUR

The donations were transferred to

GaloppSim Versionshistorie

Version numberShippingEditionLanguageComments
148.00Download, CDAIGermanofficial release, only a few handmade CDs (<5)
148.01GITCD, eMailAIGermannot officially available, special races, only a few handmade CDs (<5), misprinting
148.02GITCD, eMailAIGermannot officially available, special races, only a few handmade CDs (<5)
148.03SALTCDAIGermannot officially available, special races with individual horses, the only version with sausage mode, only 1 CD worldwide
148.03SALT Service Pack 1eMailAIGermanextension (mad mode) and bugfixes for version 148.03SALT
148.10DownloadAI, RSGermanofficial release
148.203.5" floppy diskRSEnglish, Germannot officially available, only 14 individually numbered disks
148.30DownloadAI, RSEnglish, Germanofficial release
148.31MCDAIGermannot officially available, private horse in all races, only 1 CD
148.50DownloadAI, RSEnglish, Germanofficial release
148.90DownloadRSEnglish, German, Bulgarianofficial release
148.96DownloadRSEnglish, German, Bulgarianofficial release
149.00DownloadAI, RSEnglish, German, Bulgarianofficial release
149.00 Service Pack 1DownloadAI, RSEnglish, German, BulgarianBugfixes for version 149.00
149.10DownloadAI, RSEnglish, German, Bulgarianofficial release
149.19SITDownloadRSEnglish, German, Bulgariannot officially available, special races designed for SAP Inside Track Hannover 2019
149.19GMP/TDownloadRSEnglish, GermanGMP 2019 training races
149.19GMPnoneRSEnglish, GermanGMP 2019 race version
149.20never finishedBER version
150.00DownloadAI, RSEnglish, German, Bulgarianofficial release
150.50CDownloadRSEnglish, German, Bulgarianofficial Corona release without spectators
150.50GMP/T20DownloadRSEnglish, GermanGMP 2020 training races
150.60GMPnoneAI, RSEnglish, GermanGMP 2020 race version
151.00DownloadAI, RSEnglish, German, Bulgarianofficial release
151.50DownloadAI, RSEnglish, Germanofficial release